Corporate Social Responsibility

Doing Well By Doing Good !!

Social responsibility is at our core; and we are committed to developing socially inclusive work environments for the long term. Three pillars underpin this commitments.
What we do helps to change lives and communities for the better – providing people with training and job opportunities that help them to transform their lives. We believe that meaningful and sustainable employment has the power to change the world.
CONVMECH Group recognizes our social, environmental and economic responsibilities and we are proud to be consistently recognized for our commitment to ethical practices, responsible corporate governance and good citizenship.
As a Social responsible & citizen, we spend our profit for charity work & joy of giving activities under the name of “Brighten Rays” .
“The secret of giving is very simple – what we give is what we get”
So why not begin with spreading smiles, happiness and cheer,
And in return experience the joy of giving!
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